Whole Bean or Ground?

The freshest taste comes when you grind just before brewing. But that’s not always possible and we understand. So when you place your order, let us know if you want your coffee ground and for what kind of coffeemaker. From French press to espresso grind, we can do it!

This table will help you pick the best grind for your particular coffee making method.


Best Suited for:

NONE – whole bean

Grinding yourself

COARSE – downright chunky, very distinct particles like coarse salt

French press, cafetiere, plunger pot, press pot, cold brewing, cold toddy

MEDIUM – gritty, like coarse sand

Automatic coffee makers (flat bottomed filters), percolator, Chemex, cold brewing, refillable K-cup or other single-cup brewers

FINE – almost like table salt, a bit finer than granular sugar

Cone filter coffeemaker, coffee dripper, pourover, AeroPress, stovetop espresso, moka pot, vacuum pot

EXTRA FINE – finer than sugar but not powdered

Espresso makers of all types

You may notice that COLD BREWING shows up under Coarse and Medium - this method is pretty forgiving so choose based on how fine your filter is. If you're cold brewing in a French press, go with a coarser grind. Cold brewing with one of our reusable cotton cold brew filters, Fine or Medium grind will work just fine, too.