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Coffee Blends

Up Shift Coffee for the Motorcycle SUPERSHOW

Up Shift Coffee for the Motorcycle SUPERSHOW

We are super stoked to be selected as the Official Coffee of the Motorcycle Supershow!

To celebrate, we're custom building a special blend - Up Shift - just for the Motorcycle Supershow. We'll have samples to try at the show and you'll be able to take a bag home or order some for delivery after the show.

January 8, 9 & 10, 2016 at the Toronto International Centre

Click on the title for more info and to download a coupon to save on admissions.

Go for broke with Full Throttle feature blend

Go for broke with Full Throttle feature blend

Full Throttle feature blend

A spicy blend for this busy time of year

Full Throttle. That seems to be the speed we're running at around year end. So we mixed up a blend of beans to match our mood. Full on, big bold flavours. Spicy and a tad quirky.

The super special flavours of the Full Throttle blend come from exotic Monsooned Malabar beans from India. Then we add in a melange of beans from around the coffee world - including our beloved Ethiopian, of course - to get just the right balance.

If you loved our Hey Honey feature last year with the honey processed beans from Costa Rica, you won't want to miss Full Throttle.


Que Rico!


So tasty! Rich & delicious!

¡Ay, que rico!

That's a common expression heard in Latin America that means: so rich, so tasty, so delicious. And it is also the name of our feature coffee - a delicious rich and smooth blend. 

Que Rico is made of a mix of medium roasted and darker roasted coffees, all from Central America and the northern part of South America. Think of the hills of Costa Rica and the mountains of Colombia. Small lot purchases with limited availability.

Give it a try and discover the meaning of Que Rico!

Coffee Worth Making a Fuss About

Featuring the Fuss Studio Blend Coffee

Summertime - time for a new 'do and a new feature coffee. And we're super stoked to be featuring the Fuss Studio blend

We created the Fuss Studio Blend for our fave local salon and early Sparkplug Coffee customer, Fuss Hair Studio to brew up in the salon. 

Now you can get that Fuss coffee deliciousness at home in between new 'dos. 

Buy Fuss Studio Blend, Make A Difference

We're donating a portion of sales of the Fuss Studio Blend coffee to the Toronto Humane Society, picked because the Fuss crew are big pet lovers and the THS provides such a valuable service.

Buy some coffee and help a dog, cat or bunny - what a sweet deal! 

(Click on the title - Worth Making A Fuss About - for more info. One day I'll figure out how to add the link here.)

Viva la coffee revolution!

El Libertador Feature Coffee

Viva la coffee revolution! Liberate your taste!

Cinco de Mayo seems like the perfect day to introduce our newest feature blend.

El Libertador is named for Símon Bolívar, El Libertador (The Liberator) who led the South American fight for independence from the Spanish. Our special blend brings together delicious organic fairtrade coffees from Peru and Bolivia with coffees from Gran Colombia, Bolívar’s short-lived republic.

Roasted medium-dark, El Libertador shows characteristics we love about South American coffees. Semi-sweet chocolate, smooth, rich and full-bodied. Delicious on its own or as a cafe con leche, with a bit of milk for added sweetness.

There is a limited supply of this delicious blend, click here to give it a try and join the coffee revolution!

Did you know that Bolivia used to part of Peru? It became an independent country under Símon Bolívar, who was asked to be its first head of state but turned that down. The new country was named after Bolívar anyway.


A New Year & A New Feature Coffee

Fireside Blend

Happy 2015! The new year seems like the perfect time to announce our new feature coffee: the Fireside Blend.

Based on a dark and delicious coffee from Sumatra, Indonesia, the Fireside Blend will warm you up on these cold January days. 

The rainforests of the northern Sumatran highlands produce wonderful coffees with earthy, smoky characteristics that subtly evoke some of the same tastes as mulled wine - clove, dried fruit, maybe even a bit of pepper.

The beans in our Fireside Blend are naturally processed - the whole coffee cherry is dried in the sun before the fruit is removed. The natural process (also known as the "dry process") can be tricky to get right. While it is drying, the crop is carefully monitored to make sure it doesn't over ferment. The payoff is a coffee with amazing flavour and aroma baked in from its time in the sun. Click here to give it a try

Cheers to the New Year! May yours be filled with happiness and great coffee!